Friday, April 8, 2011

Did You Get Your Free Paint?

Valspar Paint is giving away a 1000 samples of paint a day for 100 days.  Did you get yours yet?  Mine came today and it is such a fun little package!  It includes your paint sample,  a mini roller with extra pad, 2 mini paint trays, paint chip samples and a $5 coupon off your next gallon of paint!  So fun and I love the color I chose~ Cool Elegance.  Soft white with the faintest hint of gray-green.
I had to try several times because the 1000 a day are gone pretty early, so don't give up easily! 



  1. Hooray for you, Renee, and thanks for the link. And thanks always for stopping by!


  2. Thank you for posting this, I just ordered mine! I chose a lilac color, I usually stick to white but figured since it's free I may as well go out of the box:)

  3. Thanks for sharing this Renee! I had no idea. I am heading over there to order my sample now:) Your color sounds really pretty.

  4. How very cool ... getting something for free! Doesn't happen often in this day and age. I'm going to go check it out. I wonder if it applies to Canadians as well??? Thanks for letting us know.

  5. I got mine and it is soooo cool. I got a cherry pink color and the roller is totally adorable, isn't it?

  6. Renee. Do you know you can order more than once. I just spent about five minutes ordering some for family and friends to try. It was fun picking their colors. You have to sign off the site and go back on to make it work, though.


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